The Hangfire Journal

Discussions and essays on Gun Control, Shooting, Firearms, all things Political, matters of Science or Mechanics (My motto: If it ain't broke, Fix it till it is!), Philosophical musings and perhaps most important, what ever strikes my funny bone.

Location: Kennewick, WA, United States

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Hangfire Journal

The Hangfire Journal is my opportunity to rant about those things that drive me, motivate me, annoy me or simply amuse me. I make no claim to be superior to anybody either intellectually or physically. I welcome input of any sort but don't expect me to take you too seriously just as I hope you don't take me too seriously. There are some topics that are important to me and some I find boring. Sometimes a boring topic becomes important and vis a versa. For instance, while working towards a Master of Science in Astronomy (which I am still working towards) I looked forward to studying the Sun. After all, if your interest is stars, the Sun is a nice one and it's up close and personal. On the other hand I thought I would find cosmology rather boring as it can't really be thought of as "science." As it turns out, solar astronomy was ok but did not stir my soul while I have found cosmology to be endlessly facinating. Who knew.

I like politics. I tend towards the conservative end of the spectrum on some topics and towards the liberal end on other topics. All-in-all I am glad Bush won. I am saddened that the Rublicans did not get at least 60 Senators but I suppose will will muddle through till the next election when we can improve matters.

I am a competitve shooter and both I and my wife compete regularly in Cowboy Action Shooting. We also enjoy motorcycling although we have not had our sidecar rig out much over the last couple of years. I am retired, although in an effort to get the house paid for so my wife can retire, I am [sort of] looking for a job. Retirement is fun and I really want my wife to join me. We are both diabetic but have seen the light and put our lives back on a healthy track. We have both lost over 70 pounds in the last year. We are both off of insulin (my wife was insulin dependent for almost 30 years!) and we just completed the Seattle Marathon along with the oldest daughter.

That is enough about me. I will start loading this blog up with stuff of interest, at least to me, and links to interesting and provocative web sites.


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