The Hangfire Journal

Discussions and essays on Gun Control, Shooting, Firearms, all things Political, matters of Science or Mechanics (My motto: If it ain't broke, Fix it till it is!), Philosophical musings and perhaps most important, what ever strikes my funny bone.

Location: Kennewick, WA, United States

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Giving Thanks? (the racists lost)

We just returned from Seattle where my wife and I spent Thanksgiving with the family and then ran the Seattle Marathon on Sunday. It was a very rewarding and memorable week. Of course I broke the one rule my wife has laid down for me in life: Don't talk politics at the dinner table! I couldn't help myself. You see, most of my family are conservative Republicans except for my brother (a public school teacher) and his wife (a gol durn Seattle lawyer) who are certified Seattle, bed wetting, latte sipping, gortex panty wearing radical left wing liberals. In addition to suffering the indignity of having to ride around in my brothers VW van with the Kerry/Edwards posters in the window, I had to share my Thanksgiving dinner with not just one but two gol durn lawyers! My cousin John who is also a gol durn lawyer was there with his wife. Now my cousin and my sister in law are not just a couple of typical radical left wing America hating, lunatic fringe liberals, they were both actively involved in the national and local campaigns. They took the decision of the goood citizens of the United States rather poorly and I suppose my gloating did not help their disposition on the matter either. Once again they can't seem to shake the idea that somehow they really won but the evil Republicans managed to steal the election from them.

The Washington State gubnitorial race has been (and still is apparently) rather contentious with the Republican winning by 42 (yes you read that right FORTY-TWO) votes out of 2.8 million votes cast as of the official machine recount. The original count had him up by about 260 votes but durring the recount process the democrates in Seattle managed to find 10,000 new ballots that had never been counted the first time and since they were all from that radical left wing looney bin called King County they were sure they had made up enough ballots to put them over the top. Unfortunately they miscalculated by 42 votes so now the democrates are demanding a HAND recount in selected liberal precincts. They just can't wait to get their hands on those ballots so they can cast a few more votes and this time they know exactly how many more votes they need.

The discussion at the table did not revolve only around the State elections, but ranged rather widely as to how the country was possibly going to survive another four years led by a man that actually talks to God. Imagine that...a christian that talks to God! I strongly encourage that sort of comment from the radical left because it actually alianates much of the democrate base. They never seem to get the fact that most democrates actually profess religous beliefs. I suppose that if they keep this up we will have to stop calliig them RADICAL liberals and just boil it down to STUPID liberals. Eventually the converstion turned to possible candidates from both sides for the 2008 election. When I put forth Condi Rice to counter the Hildabeast, I was stunned by the pure venom in my cousins voice as he started tearing into her. It was quite obvious that he simply can't stand the thought of a black woman who does not know her place. I find racisim ugly at any time and especially so when I find it in my own family. Normally I do not hesitate to express my feelings about racists but my wifes admonitions about not getting into political fights, especially with family, kept ringing in my mind so I simply tried to get him to explain exactly what he thought a National Security Advisor was supposed to do. He actually laid the blame for 911, not at the feet of Arab terrorists, but on Condi Rice and George Bush! And they wonder why they are no longer relevant. To avoid the issue of racisim I decided to see how far his rather strange paradigm regarding conservatives went. I informed him that like most conservatives I know I was dissapointed the Bush had not simply nuked Mecca. I pointed out that as a liberal he probably thinks there are good Muslims as well as bad muslims but that I believed all Muslims were just waiting to be called to duty. I kept hoping that at some point he would say something like "you can't possibly believe that" but his cartoon caracature image of Republicans is apparently almost as bad as my steriotypical view of liberals and gol durn lawyers.

I have had the race discussion with other liberals and they just don't get how racist their ideas are. I have heard liberals refer to Condi Rice as Aunt Jamima and Colin Powel as Uncle Tom just because they are successful. The liberal world view holds that blacks and other non-white groups are too stupid and untrustworthy to ever be able to make it in the world without the benevolent help of a white liberal. In order to assure that is the case they implement public policy to make certain that minority groups are not allowed to succed in the market place based on merit regardless of whether that market is one of commerce or politics or ideas. They have a large minority base who they have conned into believing the democratic party is looking out for them and is their only hope for the future. These people are not stupid because they are blacks or any other minority. They are stupid because, like my cousin, they are liberal.


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