The Hangfire Journal

Discussions and essays on Gun Control, Shooting, Firearms, all things Political, matters of Science or Mechanics (My motto: If it ain't broke, Fix it till it is!), Philosophical musings and perhaps most important, what ever strikes my funny bone.

Location: Kennewick, WA, United States

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Pay For Public School Teachers

I am not a big fan of the public education system. As a young kid who was eager to learn I was subjected to the Everett, WA public school system. The Everett school system used what was known in the education industry as the "Boreing Method of Teaching."

They completely drove any interest in doing well (in school) out of me. I never lost my love of learning but even in grade and high school I was pretty much on my own. The number of teachers I had who were competent and who stick out in my mind to this day can be numbered on one finger!

A big part of the problem is a complete lack of accountability. It would be easy (as usual I have a simple solution, but who listens to me) to instill accountability. All we would have to do is tie a teachers pay to how their students do in the future.

Grade school teachers would start out their career earning a minimum wage. They would get cost of living increases for the next few years until their students get into high school. At that point the grade school teachers pay would be tied to how well their students do in high school, and later to how well they do in college and in the working world.

The same process would apply to high school teachers. Their pay would eventually be tied to how well their student do in college and by how much their students, who don't go on to college, earn in their jobs.

College professors would simply get paid the average of what their students earn after graduation. The more students they have who do well in their careers, the better the college professors pay. In fact once students have graduated and begun their careers, the average of their pay could be factored all the way back to the grade school teachers. Although it may require developing suitable programs for calculating teachers pay, the info could be tracked by following income tax returns.

In the hopeful eventuality of the demise of our current tax system and its replacement with the Lender/Boortz Fair Tax Plan, then a system by which students would report back voluntarily throughout their lives could be implemented. Then, not only would teachers need to be competent, they would also have to be likeable to insure their students would want to take care of them in their old age!


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