The Hangfire Journal

Discussions and essays on Gun Control, Shooting, Firearms, all things Political, matters of Science or Mechanics (My motto: If it ain't broke, Fix it till it is!), Philosophical musings and perhaps most important, what ever strikes my funny bone.

Location: Kennewick, WA, United States

Monday, December 06, 2004

Conversations with John

My cousin John is your typical Liberal. A denizen of Seattle, he is a lawyer and is politically active with the Democratic party. His views are to say the least bizarre. Unfortunately they are typical of the views of most liberals I have had the misfortune to come into contact with. Trying to carry on a conversation with him is disheartening for two reasons. First his ideas are based on such an outlandish world view that it is difficult to grasp that there are people who actually harbor such ideas and secondly, he has spent his entire life (he is rapidly approaching retirement) as a gol durn criminal defense attorney and so is very good at arguing for lost causes.

We recently had a discussion over the Thanksgiving table in which the division of the country into red and blue states came up. I pointed out that there were really no blue states. When looked at on a county by county basis, the entire country, all 50 states, is red. There are only a few cesspools of blue such as New York City, Washington DC, Boston, Seattle, Los Angeles etc. John was very quick to respond that these cesspools are the source of all of Americas strength, all of it's greatest universities, the home of the nations movers and shakers, the great financial institutions and industries and the center of the worlds art community.

I had to give him that one. Although as I observed, they would not be able to feed themselves for even three days without all of the rest of the country supplying their needs. Besides the fact that these cesspools can't even feed themselves, it must be observed that while they are so strongly liberal that they often overwhelm the rest of their state, these big cities are not 100% liberal. There are many conservatives who make the ultimate sacrifice and live among the liberals in order to bring us the industry that provides the wealth of our nation and the financial institutions to facilitate our economy and the movers and shakers he seems so proud of. Of course the great universities are certainly liberal but fortunately, enough students are able to retain their native intellegence through four years of indoctreination at these great institutions, to assure that we have plenty of young conservatives coming out each year. The great community of artists exists, largely because taxpayers like myself, are forced at the point of a gun to hand over a substantial part of their earnings to suppost these 'great' artist. Take away the subsidy that I and the rest of Americas workers are forced to give them and see how long they last in the market place. If all of the lousy, so called art, we workers are pay for had to sell in a free market place in order for these artists to feed themselves, the big city cesspools would be home to a much smaller community of artists. If you removed all of the conservatives from the big city cesspools, you would be left with nothing but big liberal "B-Arcs."

Perhaps we should call for those consevatives who are willing to make the sacrifice to do so and move to the nearest bis city to increase the percentage of registered voters who would support conservative causes and perhaps we could even eliminate the remaing few patches of blue.


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